Saratoga NYGenWeb Project

This Saratoga County NYGenWeb Page is coordinated by Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County, NY; a society "dedicated to the study and preservation of genealogical and historical materials in and around Saratoga County, New York."

Want to know more about Heritage Hunters?
(Use this link to see the latest newsletter, calendar of local historical and genealogical events, and information from presentations at our meetings.)

Or the next meeting--
(Use this link to read about the subject and presenter at the next scheduled meeting.)

Those readers responding to the recent publicity about the compilation of "American Participants at the Battles of Saratoga" may wish to go directly to that page at

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SaratogaNYGenWeb is part of New York statewide
NYGenWeb Project

- which in turn is part of the
USGenWeb Project.

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Please report broken or incorrect links to the site coordinator, Lynn Calvin.

Volunteer members of Heritage Hunters' Genealogical Projects Committee are responsible for the collection and preparation of records, presentation of the material on these pages, maintenance of the site, and interaction with readers who may wish to communicate about the Saratoga County NYGenWeb site. If you have a question about the material that is presented here or need a little guidance in your research in Saratoga County, feel free to contact us BUT If your email service provides a screening system to deter spam, make sure to list my email address ( as one that is safe from which to receive a reply email. If your email system sends an automated response to my answer such as "To control spam, I now allow incoming messages only from senders I have approved beforehand. If you would like to be added to my list of approved senders, please fill out the short request form" I won't do that and won't bother to try again to respond. "Beforehand" means for you to arrange it in anticipation of a reply.

We do not maintain lists of available paid researchers. The site coordinator does not have lists of projects just waiting for you to complete.
Lastly, please do not ask us to do your research for you. We are a small number and wish to dedicate our time and energy to adding more genealogical and historical data to this site.

Genealogy and Local History:
Genealogy and Local History Heritage Hunters meet Saturday, February 15th, at 1 pm at the Town of Saratoga Town Hall, 12 Spring St. in Schuylerville. “The Kathans of Saratoga County” will be presented by John Scherer, Town of Clifton Park Historian. Learn about Captain John Kathan (1702-1787), a Scotch Irish settler and Indian trader, who settled with his family in the Sacandaga Valley in 1820. Many offspring of the Kathan families still thrive in Saratoga County today. John Scherer is also Senior Historian Emeritus at the New York State Museum, and author of numerous books related to area history. He is descended from the Kathans. Public is welcome. For info call 518-885-9309.

Choose a category from the following list to continue your research in Saratoga County:

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What's New?
A log of additions and revisions to files. Check when and which files have been updated recently or what new files have been added and where.

Saratoga County NYGenWeb Archives
The Archives, coordinated by W. David Samuelsen, has its own search engine. On that page's "Select Category" menu, choose "All categories" or a more limited search. There is also an email link on that page for submissions to the Archives, or better yet choose the correct form for the specific category of subject matter at

Beginning March 2nd, 2020 the Mailing Lists functionality on RootsWeb was discontinued. Users are no longer be able to send outgoing emails or accept incoming emails. Additionally, administration tools will no longer be available to list administrators and mailing lists will be put into an archival state. The archived lists are hosted at Internet Archive, but due to a Denial of Service hack, that site is not presently available. Repairs and updates to the site are reportedly in progress.

Saratoga County Location & History
Get the background facts. You'll find links to several online books, with complete texts and illustrations.

Where to Find Help in or About Saratoga County
Off-site resources for continuing your research.

Saratoga County Genealogical Datasets
Military lists, book indexes, transcriptions and other databased information.

Saratoga County Cemeteries
Links to more than 300 lists of Saratoga County cemetery gravestones inscriptions collected by dedicated contributors.

Saratoga County Census
Federal and New York State Census statistics and transcribed schedules.

Saratoga County Church Records
Transcriptions of membership lists, church business meetings, baptisms, marriages, and deaths.

Saratoga County's Historic Minorities
African-Americans, Loyalists and other rarely documented, though no less historic, residents.

Saratoga County Queries
Help other researchers if you have the information they need.

Saratoga County Surnames
Contact others researching the surnames you seek.

Saratoga County Vital Records
Transcriptions of Births, Deaths and Marriage Registers, Bible Records or other lists.

Scrapbook Pages
Family history data gleaned from scrapbooks, journals or diaries, plus tidbits that don't fit another category.

Want to know more about Heritage Hunters?

This page was last updated on October 2, 2015.

© copyright 2015
Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County
All rights reserved