by NATHANIEL BARTLETT SYLVESTER ( Biography of N.B. Sylvester )





Title Page





II. Extent - Original Counties - Civil Division

III. Topographical Features

IV. Geological Outlines

V. The Indian Occupancy

VI. Early Explorations - 1585-1609

VII. Founding of Albany, Schenectady, and Montreal - 1614-1662

VIII. Indian Wars - The Mission of Isaac Jogues - 1642-1646

IX. French and Indian Wars - The Northern invasion of 1666

X. French and Indian War of 1689-90

XI. The Northern Invasion of 1693 - A Battle in Saratoga

XII. French and Indian Wars - 1709-48

XIII. Last French and Indian War - 1755-63

XIV. The First Period of the Burgoyne Campaign of 1777

XV. The Second Period of the Burgoyne Campaign

XVI. The Third Period of the Burgoyne Campaign

XVII. The Northern Invasion of 1780

XVIII. Early Land Grants - 1684-1713

XIX. Early Settlement - County Organization - Civil Government and Civil List

XX. Military Rolls

XXI. County Societies

XXII. The Press of Saratoga

XXIII. Saratoga County in the Great Rebellion of 1861

XXIV. Centennial Celebrations

XXV. Internal Improvements - Canals, Railroads - 1795-1838

XXVI. Statistical Tables

XXVII. Biographical Sketches




Village of Saratoga Springs (6 parts)

Town of Saratoga Springs

Village of Ballston Spa

Town of Ballston

Town of Saratoga (2 parts)

Town of Stillwater (2 parts)

Town of Charlton

Town of Waterford (2 parts)

Town of Half-Moon

Town of Galway

Town of Edinburgh

Town of Malta

Town of Corinth

Town of Northumberland

Town of Hadley

Town of Moreau

Town of Greenfield (2 parts)

Town of Day

Town of Wilton

Town of Clifton Park

Town of Milton

Town of Providence







Clerk's Office and Court-House, Ballston

Map of Saratoga County, by towns

Table of Geologic Time

Plan of Encampment and Position of Burgoyne's Army at Swords' House, Sept. 17 and 19, 1777 (1)

Plan of Encampment and Position of Burgoyne's Army at Swords' House, Sept. 17 and 19, 1777 (2)

Plan of Encampment and position of Burgoyne's Army at Bræmus' Heights, Sept. 20, and Oct. 7 and 8, 1777 (1)

Plan of Encampment and position of Burgoyne's Army at Bræmus' Heights, Sept. 20, and Oct. 7 and 8, 1777 (2)

Portrait of Madame Riedesel (steel)

Portrait of Lady Harriet Ackland (steel)

Plan of the Position of Burgoyne's Army, Oct. 10, 1777

Map of Saratoga County, 1840, showing patents, allotments, etc.

Fac-Simile of Order made by Board of Supervisors, 1791

Portrait of Hon. Reuben H. Walworth (steel)

Portrait of John K. Porter (steel)


Views of Congress Spring Park

Residence of Dr. T.B. Reynolds

Portrait of Doanda Risley Putnam

Portrait of Rockwell Putnam

Adirondack Villa - Residence of Chas. S. Lester

Residence of W.C. Bronson

Residence of J.H. Farrington

Portrait of Captain J.P. Butler

Views of the Geyser Spring Property

Vermont House

Portrait of Prof. H.A. Wilson

Portrait of John V. Howard

Portrait of John Van Rensselaer

Portrait of Hon. Thos. J. Marvin (steel)

Residence of the late W.L.F. Warren (with portrait)

Portrait of Charles S. Lester (steel)

Portrait of James M. Marvin (steel)

Portrait of Gideon M. Davison

Portrait of E.F. Bullard (steel)

Portrait of T.B. Reynolds (steel)

Portrait of Hon. John W. Crane

Portrait of Ransom Cook

Portrait of B.F. Judson

Portrait of Samuel J. Pearsall, M.D.

Portrait of Henry W. Merrill

Portrait of Elias Lee Wakeman

Portrait of Thomas Noxon

Portrait of Anson M. Boyce


Residence of John W. Eddy (with portrait)


Portrait of George G. Scott

Portrait of L. Moore, M.D.

Portrait of George West (steel)

Portrait of John W. Thompson (steel)

Portrait of James W. Horton


Portrait of Elisha Curtiss

Fac-Simile of Bond of Rev. Mr. Ball, 1779

Old Home, built by Jas. Mann, 1805 (with portraits)

Portrait of G.G. Ostrander

Residence of Henry I. Curtiss


Residence of Jacob Osborne

Residence of W. Mayhew

Residence of J.H. Dillingham

Residence of James C. Brisbin

Residence of Hiram Cramer

Residence of William H. Smith

Residence of Myron Denton

Residence of Joseph Wilbur

Portraits of Joseph Wilbur and Wife

Residence of Wm. H. Marshall (with portraits)

Union Free School, Schuylerville

Church of the Visitation, and Pastoral Residence

Bird's-eye View of Schuylerville and Vicinity

Residence of Mrs. Wm. B. Marshall (with portraits)

Portrait of Andrew Dorland

Portraits of Hosea Baker and Wife

Portrait of D.A. Bullard (steel)

Portrait of Samuel Sheldon

Portrait of James H. Dillingham (steel)

Property of W.P. Finch


Residence of Philip Mosher (with portraits)

Residence of George W. Neilson (with portraits)


Residence of the late Hon. Hugh White

Elm Park - Residence of Rev. Stephen Bush

Portrait of Thomas C. Morgan

Portrait of Stephen Bush (steel)

Portrait of Joshua Bailey (steel)

Portrait of Hugh White (steel)

Portrait of Canvass White

Portrait of John Cramer (steel)


Residence of Frank Pruyn, Mechanicville

Residence of L.E. Smith

Portrait of L.E. Smith

Residence of Reinhold Werner (with portrait)

Residence of Peter Woodin (with portraits)

Portrait of Col. E.E. Ellsworth

Portrait of E.D. Ellsworth

Portrait of Rev. F.S. Parke


Residence of Thomas Mairs (with portrait)

Residence of A.L. Stone (with portraits)


Residence of Squire Stark (with portraits)

Residence of L. De Golia (with portraits)

Residence of Jas. Partridge (with portraits)


Portrait of Joseph Hillman

Round Lake Grounds (double-page view)


Portrait of N.M. Houghton


Residence of W.S. Deyoe

Residence of S.O. Burt

Residence of Mrs. John Harris

Residence of A.B. Baucus

Portrait of E.W. Town

Residence of Abr. Marshall and Son (with portraits)

Residence of Hon. D.H. Deyoe (with portraits)

Residence of Isaac Van De Werker (with portraits)

Residence of Mrs. Sarah A. Thompson (with portraits)


Residence of Manlius Jeffers (with portraits)

Property of Lewis E. Wait (with portrait)

Residence of J.J. Wait (with portrait)


Residence of Stephen Vaughn

Portrait of Austin L. Reynolds


Residence of Mrs. C.M. Dyer (with portrait)

Residence of Mrs. T.H. Tompkins (with portrait)

Residence of Elihu Wing (with portrait)

Residence of Nelson D. Morehouse

Residence of Wm. C. Darrow

Portrait of Hon. Howell Gardiner

Portrait of Simeon Schouten

Residence of Dr. Ianthus G. Johnson (with portrait)

Portrait of Benjamin S. Robinson


Portrait of S.Y. Rockwell

Portraits of Luke Kathan and Wife

Portrait of Enos Murphy


Portrait of W.B. Collamer

Residence of John J. Brill (double-page)

Portraits of John Ham and Wife


Residence of Lewis R. Garnsey

Property of Nicholas J. Clute (with portraits)

Portraits of Adam Mott and Wife

Residence of B.R. Caldwell (with portraits)

Residence of Peter Arnold (with portraits)


Residence of the late Isaiah Blood (with portrait)

Residence of Isaac Nash (with portraits)

Residence of Isaac H. Johnson

Portrait of Harlow Van Ostrand


Portrait of Stephen Rockwell

Portrait of Rev. Asher Cook




Reuben Hyde Walworth

Esek Cowen

John Willard

Nicholas Hill

Samuel Young

John W. Taylor

Harmanus Schuyler

John K. Porter

William Augustus Beach

Augustus Bockes

Gideon Putnam

Rockwell Putnam

Capt. J.P. Butler

Prof. H.A. Wilson

John V. Howard

John Van Rensselaer

Hon. Thomas J. Marvin

William Hay

Hon. W.L.F. Warren

Charles S. Lester

James B. McKean

Henry Walton

Hon. James M. Marvin

Gideon M. Davison

John C. Hulbert

Gen. Edward Fitch Bullard

Francis Wayland

Miles Beach

Dr. John H. Steel

Tabor B. Reynolds, M.D.

John W. Eddy

Oliver L. Barbour

John A. Corey

Joshua Porter

Hon. John W. Crane

Ransom Cook

Robert C. McEwen, M.D.

Benjamin F. Judson

Peter V. Wiggins

Lewis Putnam

Samuel Searing

Joshua T. Blanchard

Samuel J. Pearsall, M.D.

Henry W. Merrill

Elias Lee Wakeman

Thomas Noxon

Anson M. Boyce

Lucretia and Margaret Davidson

George G. Scott

Leverett Moore, M.D.

Hon. George West

John W. Thompson

James W. Horton

Dr. Samuel Davis

Elisha Curtiss

James Mann

George G. Ostrander

Joseph Wilbur

Andrew Dorland

Hosea Baker

Daniel A. Bullard

Samuel Sheldon

James H. Dillingham

William H. Marshall

William B. Marshall

William P. Finch

Hon. Geo. W. Neilson

Thomas C. Morgan

Rev. Stephen Bush

Joshua Bailey

Hon. Hugh White

Canvass White

John Cramer

Samuel Cheever

Isaac C. Ormsby

Chesselden Ellis

Lewis E. Smith

Col. E.E. Ellsworth

Capt. Ephraim D. Ellsworth

Rev. F.S. Parke

Judge Lewis Stone

Augustus L. Stone

Thomas Mairs

James Partridge

Joseph Hillman

N.M. Houghton

E.W. Town

Abraham Marshall

Daniel H. Deyoe

Isaac Van Dewerker

Asa F. Thompson

A.B. Baucus

John Harris

Stephen O. Burt

J.J. Wait

Austin L. Reynolds

Hon. Howell Gardiner

Simeon Schouten

Benjamin W. Dyer

Thomas H. Tompkins

Willlam C. Darrow

Benjamin S. Robinson

Nelson D. Morehouse

I.G. Johnson, M.D.

Elihu Wing

Enos Murphy

John Ham

John J. Brill

Warren B. Collamer

Adam Mott

Barney R. Caldwell

Nicholas J. Clute

Lewis R. Garnsey

Peter Arnold

Harlow Van Ostrand

Isaiah Blood

Stephen Rockwell



html prepared by Bill Carr, last updated 2/7/00.

Please provide me with any feedback you may have or any supplementary information concerning the contents. wcarr1@nycap.rr.com

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